“In Orthodoxy, which is identical with the ancient Apostolic Church, everything is humble because everything comes from the Gospels, which are humility itself. Everything is simple, unaffected and solemn, as are the Gospels. All the music of our Church is contrition-evoking, not theatrical. Our religion says, Chant with understanding, that is, with wisdom and devoutness.” Photios Kontoglou (+1965)
Liturgical music is not just for the choir. We encourage everyone to participate, by singing, reading the Epistles, or chanting. Please contact us with any questions you may have about the music at St Nicholas Orthodox Church.
For more in-depth answers about music, its role in the Liturgical Life of Christ’s Holy Church, or the History of Music go to Antiochian Archdiocese website.

Online Resources:
- Sheet music — The most visited page at St Nicholas
- Sacred Music Library — A fully searchable music library located on the Antiochian Archdiocese website
- Online Liturgical Guide — Weekly word-for-word texts for the divine services, along with embedded hyperlinks to corresponding sheet music. Includes a liturgical calendar, daily readings, listings of saints, fasting guidelines, and the popular spiritual “Thought for the Day” from the Church Fathers and our own Metropolitan JOSEPH.
- More information is available at the Antiochian Department of Sacred Music