We have 2 separate community groups at St. Nicholas Church, a North Group and a South Group. The North Group is mostly made up of church members who live in the Bentonville/Rogers/Bella Vista area. The South Group mostly consists of those who live in the Fayetteville/Springdale/Farmington area. 2 groups were established to minimize the amount of drive time and so that everyone could get to at least one of the meetings more easily.
These meetings are great, informal settings for our parish members, catechumens, and inquirers to Orthodoxy. We are currently going through “A Journey to Fullness” together in both groups.
“A Journey to Fullness” is a program designed for those who want to learn more about the Orthodox Faith. This 16-part series includes a 20-minute video and workbook section for each part. Our community groups cover a part of this series complete with discussion and fellowship in each meeting on a monthly basis. It is not necessary to start at the beginning of the series to benefit from it, you can jump in anytime, so please join us! You can attend either group’s meetings or you can attend both if you would like to!

Join in GroupMe
If you are interested in attending our community group meetings, please join the respective group in the GroupMe app to keep up to date on when the meetings are scheduled.
Join the North Group in GroupMe by clicking here
Join the South Group in GroupMe by clicking here

What to Expect
- Meetings start at 6:00 pm with about 30 minutes of fellowship before the video and discussion starts
- Snacks are typically provided, but you are welcome to bring a side dish or snacks to share as well
- Additional fellowship will follow the discussion for anyone who would like to stay
Please contact us with your questions and suggestions.